216 Orange Ave., Daytona Beach FL, 32114

“To Know Christ and to Serve Him”




Sunday Morning

8:00 A.M. Rite I Spoken

10:30 A.M. Rite II with Choir


Newcomers to St Mary’s are attracted for many reasons: We are a warm and friendly congregation; our worship services are traditional and reverent; we have dynamic, biblically centered preaching; we are focused on Christ as a team living out the great commission.  

Fellowship, strengthened during coffee hour, dinners, and get-togethers, is strong at St Mary’s, as people feel united as a parish. The presence of God is genuinely felt among the people and contributes to their strong commitment to their faith. The congregation of St Mary’s is challenged to enhance their faith through participation in various programs and to utilize their spiritual gifts.

The people of St Mary’s are drawn from every generation and walk of life. A liturgically based mix of Rite 1 and Rite 2 services provide variety that appeals to all ages and enhances the spiritual life of the congregation. A traditional music experience is important for expression of faith.

St Mary’s Episcopal Church is a community that has been greatly blessed. Our God and Father has done marvelous things in and through our parish community for more than one hundred forty years. Today, we are called to claim the blessings of our past so that we can move forward into all the new opportunities God has set before us. To God be glory as we go “Forward in Faith”.





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